Welcome to the Lazy Double D Ranch!

"It’s hard to leave this place once you get here”

Some people call the Lazy Double D Ranch heaven on earth, and since the opening six years ago, people have flown in from worldwide to experience it. Visitors have come from far-reaching places like Australia, China, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, Italy, Guatemala, and more.


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Classes at the ranch are so different that we wanted to bring your attention to a few things to have your trip go smoothly!

Please reach out to your class hosts who also have a wealth of knowledge about the classes you are interested in attending at the ranch.


  • The ranch is located about halfway between Houston and Austin, so you can fly to either city. The closest airport is George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston, Texas, USA.

  • With the ranch being in rural Texas, no Uber services or taxis are available. We highly recommend renting a car or sharing a rented car with a buddy. Your class host can let you know how to connect with other people coming to class.


  • Airbnb
    There are many options nearby, which are really popular for class participants. They add a fun element to being out in the Texas countryside!

    Please note: you will be responsible for your own transportation and it is highly recommended to rent a car.

  • Nearby town Brenham also offers lodging, restaurants, coffee shops, and grocery stores. Most of the people coming to classes at the ranch stay in Brenham.


  • Sometimes horse riding is available! Your class host will be happy to assist you with more information about it and answer any questions you may have.



Interested in creating your own class or event at the Lazy Double D Ranch? Did you know you can book this magical venue for an extraordinary and different experience for your participants?

Welcome to contact our Lazy Double D liason with your request!


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